Thursday, October 17, 2013

A quick tip!

Hello my fellow friends!  It's your neighborhood creep again!  Today, I have a tip for all of ya'll, even though it's pretty quick and simple some of you might not have thought of this before.

When you put on a lot of eyeshadow, sometimes it falls onto your face, right?  

Well, fear not!  You can always put on your foundation and concealer after you've done up your eyes all nice and pretty, or you can use a shadow guard that are found conveniently in stores.  Or, you can even just hold a piece of tissue underneath your eyes to catch all of the fallout. 

Thanks for reading!  Comment?  I'llseeyatamaro!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a good tip

    Please come check out my latest post if you have time :)

    Fragile Bird |


